Cyclone Idai Update

Our tents are being distributed by social services to affected families looking after orphans.

Here are some pictures sent yesterday from Zimbabwe.

Safeguarding and privacy is a huge issue when homes have been destroyed and children and new guardians are forced to live together. The standard tents in disasters usually have only one living space. The tents we have chosen to give out have two private bedrooms and a central living space. Thanks to Ultimate Outdoors Nottingham for providing these to us at cost price.

The school age children we identified as being orphaned by Cyclone Idai have all received their hand made school uniforms, stationery, shoes, bags and have all had their school fees paid. It has been such a team effort with everyone focusing on helping these children process the trauma and take a step forward in their new reality.

The best way to help these little ones going forward is to become part of our Keep a Child family by donating a small but regular amount to Operation Orphan. This money will be used for their well being and education.

Please click here to donate

THANK YOU for your amazing support!