Sarah’s Zimbabwe Story

Visiting Zimbabwe was an amazing and very special experience. From the first moment of meeting the team at the airport I felt excited to be going away with some wonderful people; and they didn’t disappoint!


I was in awe of all the great things people are trying to do for others in Mutare. Nev, Jacob and the other volunteers sacrifice so much to help orphaned children at the Homework Centre. They work so hard with no pay or resources. Their determination and altruism is only equalled by the enthusiasm of the children who attend. Facing some pretty difficult circumstances they are so determined to learn and progress. It was a real privilege to have the opportunity to help them with their comprehension and understanding of history.

Seeing amazing work by Libby and her colleagues at Nzeve School for deaf children and Nancy with Children of Hope further proved the good of human nature. It was truly wonderful playing with the Children of Hope and getting drenched in a water fight! It was also great to see the enthusiasm and joy of the pre-school deaf children and youth groups and knowing just how much this will benefit them in the future.

The amazing work being done in Mutare made the trip fantastic. Combining it with a brilliant team, meeting some wonderful new friends in the evenings and getting within metres of numerous wild animals, including zebra, monkeys, impala and bison made the trip a truly memorable experience.

The quote at the start came from Kathy whilst away. I think it sums up the work of the people there perfectly. There are many reasons why Zimbabweans might curse the darkness but with so many people lighting candles, the disadvantaged will shine brighter and brighter.


On a personal note, I hope I can put my proposal writing skills to good use to give these amazing people a helping hand in their fantastic work.
