Sight Saver

This young man sadly lost his parents during the horrific Cyclone Idai. On top of this devastation, he almost lost his eye.

He was rushed straight to hospital where emergency surgery was carried out but this wasn’t done correctly and caused even more damage. Thanks to the generosity of those who heard about his plight, we are so pleased to say that he’s undergone corrective surgery and things are looking up.


Becoming an orphan is one of the most devastating things that could happen to a child. Your safety net, your provision and security suddenly swept away in one big storm. This little lad didn’t only have to deal with THIS trauma but the issue of his losing his sight became very real. He was so brave. And our friends in Zimbabwe helped to make his recovery possible. Never Femayi, (who has been running a successful project called Hope For Life for the past decade) was on hand every step of the way. He travelled with the young boy and his aunty to Harare to visit the specialist who performed the corrective surgery and attended appointments to help him feel safe.

After the surgery he was quickly dismissed from the hospital with planned follow up appointments to remove stitches and check up. He is now at school and living with his Grandma and last time Never went to visit he was met with a big smile. Grandma asked us to pass on thanks to everyone who helped her grandson. She would never have been in a position to provide for him in this was and is so grateful for the support and care he has been shown. A BIG thank you to all of you for helping us to keep this child healthy.and offering hope for the future.
