Loving Letters

What a treat to receive these lovely letters!

Cotgrave CofE Primary School have creatively supported Operation Orphan this year, helping to keep a child warm, safe, healthy and learning.


At the beginning of the year, OO staff Cyrilyn and Rebecca went to visit the pupils at Cotgrave. They delivered a presentation to explain about the work of Operation Orphan and shared some stories about the children we are helping as a charity. Following this talk, the class set to work, planning various fundraising opportunities, coat collections, Easter egg donations and all sorts of challenges.

This week we received a package filled with beautifully written letters, explaining how they managed to raise their support. Everything from drumbathons and book sales to loom band challenges, these young ones have exemplified creativity in fundraising - and keeping the FUN in FUNdraising too.

A huge thank you to the children and staff at Cotgrave CofE Primary school for your support to us this year. Mrs Belton, we know that you must be super proud of your class and we are too!